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The best business idea I ever had, only lasted 6-months.
And worse… my business mentor knew that would be the case after I answered 1 question.
What was the idea?
To have live, raw, and unfiltered conversations with men about trauma and abuse. None of this, “Everything is okay, just love yourself,” talk. As men, we need to face our past. And do the shit to work through it. This is a HUGE need.
I told my business mentor about this, and he asked 1 question that seemed innocent - but was deadly…
“When are you gonna start-”
”As soon as I finish designing the logo!” I interrupted. The words came out fast - laced with excitement.
He didn’t say another word. He knew the business wouldn’t last. 6 months later, I had a beautiful logo designed, had done 6 podcast episodes, and gave up on the idea.
Here’s what I learned:
To start, you don’t need a logo.
You don’t need a business plan.
You don’t need testimonials.
All you need to do… is start.
Everything else is extra. It’s fluff that only matters after you start. Anything you do before you start is a distraction. It’s procrastination.
So consider this your permission slip, to start.
You don’t need to wait for the logo. You don’t need to wait for the equipment. You don’t need to wait til you have more time to do it better.
You can start, and figure the rest out along the way. In fact, that’s the only way anything worth while is created.